Board Meeting
- Bylaws have been thoroughly reviewed and turned over to Rachel Maver’s firm. Reviewed pro bono
- One section needed clarification and is under review
- Once this comes back will present to the club
- If these aren’t ready for December elections, we will revert to current bylaws
- No report today
- Terri moved to close board meeting, Jeff seconded; motion passed
Corley Meeting
- Joe Kraft presented Corley Foundation guidelines and reminded us that
- Sept 2024 balance was $367,298.76
- 1 year performance is 26%
- Investment committee
- Move 2.5% to real estate from US equities
- Move 7.5% to bonds & money market from US equities
- Motion by Jeff and second by Andrew; motion passed
- Andrew reminded the club of the 2 budgets
- The club budget that runs with Rotary year
- Corley budget for donations and is calendar year
- Getting ready to prepare the budget
- Some line items in Corley budget to specific organizations we choose to support annually
- Also line item for undesignated funds for club member donation requests
- The dividends, interest and capital gains distribution from prior years Corley is to be given away in the budget
- Andrew suggested making sizable donation to Lake Erie Nature and Science Center since we will have large sum from Corley for next year’s budget
- Are there any other significant projects in the area we would like to support?
- Patty asked about any initiatives for club donations to hurricane disaster relief
- Andrew suggested we might want to consider a line item in the budget for disaster relief since we do have a shelter box line item which goes for international disasters
Regular Club Business
- Introduction of new potential member - Mike Lamb
- Retired police officer, lives in Westlake, currently works security for private organization on East side
- Purple donuts at Westlake library - successful event, lot of good conversations
- We received 6 leads
- Received potential speaker - Threshold Choir
- Diapers will be dropped off to Providence House on Thursday 10/31. You can still make a donation today if you want.
- Typically board meeting/club assembly is 4th meeting of the month
- Epiphany project
- Box parties, cafeteria at St Pauls Dec 26, 27, 28 from 9am - 3pm
- Look for sign up on club runner
- Have secured most of the items already
- Working with Tim on securing boxes - plan to fit everything in boxes and not need garbage bags
- Kevin has client with a lot of early reader books in Spanish
- Line item in budget of $5000 for our club to contribute annually for this project
- Should soon have our family to shop for at Christmas for Westlake; will need to schedule wrapping party
Meeting adjourned at 8:27