The December Board meeting of the Westlake-Bay Village Rotary Club was held on December 18, 2024. The meeting was called to order by President Andrew Mangels at 7:30 and began with the invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Four Way Test.

In Attendance: President Andrew Mangels, Terri Speck, Pat Graham, Jim Strunk, Joe Hudak, Joe Kraft, Jeff Appel, Amy Kubacki, and Patty Zinn. A quorum was present. Also in attendance were Steve Pettyjohn, Lisa Hebert, Tim Smith, Scott Goggin, Herb Hoppe, Bob Maver, Rachel Maver, Ray Glinka, Marybeth Whelan, Justin Hein, and Kevin Krantz.
 Donations: There were no new requests.
 Service Projects: Sign-ups for the Epiphany Project are ongoing. We will be loading boxes on 12-26 and 12-27, delivering the boxes on 1-3, and attending the party on 1-6.
 There was much discussion regarding the proposed changes to the By-laws. Please send your comments to Andrew and he will compile them. Further discussion will take place at another meeting.

Club News:
Patty Zinn was presented with her Paul Harris +1 pin. Congratulations Patty.

Our holiday party will be held on January 16th at Arrabiata’s. Details to follow.

The next Art Festival committee meeting will be held 1-8. We already have four artists signed up.
We will be touring Edna House on January 14th.
In lieu of our happy thoughts, we viewed a video from Best Buddies, one of the groups we support, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:32