The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on July 31, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid, with 22 participants meeting via Zoom and in person.
President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. and began with a prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test.
Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our guest, Mike Yeager. Mike is Katie Yeager’s father and a lifelong Rotarian.
Club news:
Today’s meeting served as a recap of the Art Festival. Thanks to co-chairs Joe Kraft and Andrew Mangels, without whose leadership, the festival would not have taken place. Also, a big thank you to all the members who volunteered their time, talents, and treasures to make this year’s event a huge success. We had 70 artists participate this year. The raffle raised $1,180. We had
$15,100 in sponsorship money. We discussed what went right and what we might do better next year.
Today’s meeting served as a recap of the Art Festival. Thanks to co-chairs Joe Kraft and Andrew Mangels, without whose leadership, the festival would not have taken place. Also, a big thank you to all the members who volunteered their time, talents, and treasures to make this year’s event a huge success. We had 70 artists participate this year. The raffle raised $1,180. We had
$15,100 in sponsorship money. We discussed what went right and what we might do better next year.
We will schedule a meeting soon to start planning for the 2025 Art Fest.
We had time for our happy thoughts, and the meeting adjourned at 8:33