Rotary Meeting Highlights July 10, 2024
The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on July 10, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid with 18
participants meeting via zoom and in person. President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m., began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test.
Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our speaker, Sarah Rintamaki.
Club news:
The next Art Fest committee meeting is scheduled for July 11th at 6:00 pm in the library. This is the last meeting before the event, so please plan to attend if possible.
Terri reported that our inbound student will be arriving at the end of August. Her host family, the Smiley’s, have already been in contact with her.
A reminder: Dues invoices have been sent. Checks should be made out to the club, not Corley, and given to Jim or Pat.
There are 5 Wednesdays in July. Instead of our normal diaper drop for Providence House, we will be participating in their “Stuff the Truck” event on July 19th. Andrew sent an email with the needed items. You can also google Providence House stuff the truck for the list. As their seems to be a lack of interest in going to Burntwood for the fifth of Wednesday, we are exploring other options to get together.
As this it the beginning of the new Rotary year, Andrew reminded everyone of our goal to once again have every member participate by making a donation to the Rotary Foundation sometime during this year.
District Governor Dale Smith will be speaking to our club on August 21st. Please put it on your calendar and make every effort to attend this meeting. It is important we make a good showing for the DG.
Our speaker today was Sarah Rintamaki from Connecting for Kids. Sarah is a Rotarian in the Cleveland club, and a long-time friend of our club. CFK was founded 13 years ago and got its beginning right at Porter Public Library. Their mission is to resources, support and community to families in Northeast Ohio who have concerns about their child. We serve all families, including those children with and without diagnoses. We connect families to local experts and to each other at no cost. They offer over 150 free programs a year.
Today Sarah spoke about Ohio Bill 436, the New Dyslexia Screening law. 1 in 5 children in the state have tendencies of dyslexia. The law mandates screening for public school children from K to 3rd grade. Parents may request screening for students in grades 4-6.
To learn more about this, or their many other great programs, visit their website at
We had time for our happy thoughts and the meeting adjourned at 8:28
Note: Pat G. sent out the following information regarding meeting notes: 
I neglected to mention in today's update that congratulations are in order for Amy Kubacki, Lisa Hebert, and Andrew Mangels. Past-President Maver presented Amy and Lisa with their two-time Paul Harris pins, and Andrew with his 5-time Paul Harris pin.
Congratulations to all of them for their tremendous service to Rotary, our community, and our club.