Rotary Meeting Highlights -  August 14, 2024
The Westlake Bay Village Rotary Club held its weekly Wednesday meeting on August 14, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid, with 27 participants meeting via zoom and in person. President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. and began with prayer,, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test.

Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced all of our guests.

Club news:
Our exchange students were all present at the meeting. Terri introduced each of them, gave them an opportunity to speak briefly and we had a group picture of all of them. Asmit Mehta was present with his mother, Radhika. Asmit will be going to  Taiwan. Luke Smilie will be going to Thailand. His mother, Jennifer, was with him, as was Tubtim Korrawin Wintachai, our inbound student from Thailand, who will be staying with the Smilies. Kamden Stollsteimer will be going to Hungary and was accompanied by his mother, Kristie. We also heard from Audrey Kirkland, who just returned from Sardinia, Italy. All of this coordinated nicely with International Youth Day, which is August 12th.

August is also Rotary membership month. We ask all Rotarians to try and recruit one new member for our club. 
Pints and Pours for Polio will return on August 22nd at Sibling Revelry in Westlake. This is a district event and a great opportunity to enjoy a cold beer with fellow Rotarians.
Andrew introduced our speaker, Jared Daly, from the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities. Their mission is to support and empower people with developmental disabilities to live, learn, work, and play in the community. Each county in Ohio has a Board of DD. Last year, Cuyahoga served over 12,000 individuals. Cleveland is the #1 city in the country for people with disabilities. The Board helps them integrate into society in general. They also provide programs for businesses to assist in hiring people with disabilities. To learn more, visit their website at 
We had time for our happy thoughts, and the meeting adjourned at 8:31