The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on August 7, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid with 13 participants meeting via zoom and in person. President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m., began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test.

Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that we would be having a club assembly.
Club news:

Andrew spoke briefly regarding his goals for the year which includes increasing membership and holding more service projects. He will cover more at a future meeting.

Several members will be attending the Guardian’s game with Rotary on August 8 th.
There are several walks being held that some of our members are involved in. The Lorain County Walk for Alzheimer's will be September 7th; the NAMI walk will be held September 14th, and Cuyahoga County Alzheimer’s Walk will be held at the zoo on October 19 th.

The first meeting of the 2025 Art Festival will be held Wednesday, August 14 th , at 6 pm at the library. Please attend if you are available to be involved in planning next year’s event. The main topics will be the festival layout and revamping the sponsorship packages. Joe K. moved and Gary seconded that the booth charge for the 2025 festival be increased by $5. Motion carried.

Gary talked about the golf outing. Plans are well underway, but we still need sponsors. If you have any leads, let Gary know and he will follow up.

Rotary is looking for clubs to begin using Clubrunner for more club functions, including sign-ups and payments. We will have some Clubrunner training at a future meeting.
Terry’s Time:

Terry and Joe are planning to be at the airport on Saturday to welcome our inbound exchange student, Tubtim Korrawin Wintachai, who will be arriving from Thailand. We are sponsoring three outbound students this year, Asmit Mehta who is going to Taiwan, Luke Smilie who will be going to Thailand, and Kamden Stollsteimer who will going to Hungary.

Our Rotary District is bringing back Pints and Pours for Polio. The first outing will be August 26 th at Sibling Revelry.

We had time for our happy thoughts and the meeting adjourned at 8:33