The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on September 11, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid with 25 participants meeting via zoom and in person. President Mangels called
the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m., began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test.

Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our guests, District Governor Dale Smith, our host student Tubtim, and her host father, Jim Smilie. Also present via zoom was longtime friend and Rotarian, Kathy Berkshire.

Andrew asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of all who gave their lives, and for all the first responders, on the anniversary of 9-11. He then mentioned that the library has a piece of the actual steel from the twin towers on display in the library.

Club news:
  • Gary reported that we are up to 98 golfers for our golf outing and clam bake. We are still in need of more hole sponsors.
  • Our annual Rose Sale will be held on October 18 th . Once again, roses are only $20 per dozen. Please start lining up your orders. 
  • Lisa and several other Rotarians are planning to walk in NAMI walk on the 14th. Thanks to all who supported her in this worthwhile endeavor. 
Our speaker today was District Governor Dale Smith. Dale has been a Rotarian since 2003, has belonged to several clubs, beginning with the Cambridge Club, and is currently a member of the Mentor club. The Rotary theme this year is The Magic of Rotary. We continue to work on the eradication of Polio, Youth exchange, and service projects around the world. His goal this year is to retain the current membership while continuing to attract new members. 70% of the Rotarians who leave have less than 5 years tenure. We need to engage new members and have a leadership development process in place if we wish to attain this. There will be a membership summit on October 19 th to be held in Mentor.

Dale also reported that all of the districts in Ohio are joining together to form a 501-C3 to raise funds for the Ohio VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) program. VOAD is there to provide assistance to local families in times of crisis and  national emergencies.

There will be Pints for Pours September 18 th at Schmidt’s Brewery in Strongsville, and on September 26 th at Forest City Brewery in Ohio City.

Dale then presented Terri Speck and Joe Kraft with their new Paul Harris pins. Both have been very generous with Rotary and supporting the Foundation.

We had time for our happy thoughts and the meeting adjourned at 8:25