The June Board meeting of the Westlake-Bay Village Rotary Club was held on June 26,
2024. The meeting was called to order by President-Elect Andrew Mangels at 7:30, and
began with the invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Four Way Test.
In Attendance: President-Elect Andrew Mangels, Terri Speck, Pat Graham, Jim Strunk,
Joe Hudak, Joe Kraft, John Hanna, Patty Zinn, and Jeff Appel. A quorum was present.
Also in attendance were Herb Hoppe, Steve Pettyjohn, Lisa Hebert, Tim Smith, Ray
Glinka, Scott Goggin, Justin Hein, Wayne Nieman, and Kevin Krantz.
Andrew began the meeting by discussing the committees for the upcoming year.
Committee Reports:
Donations: Kevin Krantz, chair. Members: Pat, Joe H., Herb, Jim S., and Doug.
Membership: Amy and Marybeth, co-chairs. The entire club to serve.
Investment: Joe K. chair. Members: Justin, Jim S., Patty, Joe H., and Ray.
Service Projects and Fundraising: Jeff will chair, with each project and fundraiser
having a member to spearhead the project, and the entire club supporting.
Speakers: Justin, chair. Members: Lisa and Joe H. Entire club will continue to
recommend speakers.
Rotary Foundation: Jim S. and Herb to chair.
New Generations: Terri will report on this in detail at our July 3 rd meeting. All
members will need to be trained.
Club New:
Andrew read a thank you note received from our Westlake scholarship winner, Elizabeth
Youth Challenge will be holding their golf outing September 16 th at Avon Oaks CC. We
will try to field a team.
Lisa reported our grant project for the Literary Project was approved as fundable, moving
it to the next step.
Speakers are booked through July. Still need suggestions for August and beyond.
The Art Festival committee will meet July 11 th at 6 pm at the library. We are currently
hae 58 artists signed up. We will need volunteers to help set up on Friday, July 26 th at
8:30. Patty announced the sponsorship is currently at $14,350.
Terri is still looking for a second Bay Village host family for next year.
2024. The meeting was called to order by President-Elect Andrew Mangels at 7:30, and
began with the invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Four Way Test.
In Attendance: President-Elect Andrew Mangels, Terri Speck, Pat Graham, Jim Strunk,
Joe Hudak, Joe Kraft, John Hanna, Patty Zinn, and Jeff Appel. A quorum was present.
Also in attendance were Herb Hoppe, Steve Pettyjohn, Lisa Hebert, Tim Smith, Ray
Glinka, Scott Goggin, Justin Hein, Wayne Nieman, and Kevin Krantz.
Andrew began the meeting by discussing the committees for the upcoming year.
Committee Reports:
Donations: Kevin Krantz, chair. Members: Pat, Joe H., Herb, Jim S., and Doug.
Membership: Amy and Marybeth, co-chairs. The entire club to serve.
Investment: Joe K. chair. Members: Justin, Jim S., Patty, Joe H., and Ray.
Service Projects and Fundraising: Jeff will chair, with each project and fundraiser
having a member to spearhead the project, and the entire club supporting.
Speakers: Justin, chair. Members: Lisa and Joe H. Entire club will continue to
recommend speakers.
Rotary Foundation: Jim S. and Herb to chair.
New Generations: Terri will report on this in detail at our July 3 rd meeting. All
members will need to be trained.
Club New:
Andrew read a thank you note received from our Westlake scholarship winner, Elizabeth
Youth Challenge will be holding their golf outing September 16 th at Avon Oaks CC. We
will try to field a team.
Lisa reported our grant project for the Literary Project was approved as fundable, moving
it to the next step.
Speakers are booked through July. Still need suggestions for August and beyond.
The Art Festival committee will meet July 11 th at 6 pm at the library. We are currently
hae 58 artists signed up. We will need volunteers to help set up on Friday, July 26 th at
8:30. Patty announced the sponsorship is currently at $14,350.
Terri is still looking for a second Bay Village host family for next year.
Joe H. motioned to approve the $500 grant to Empower Sports. Terri seconded and the
motion passed unanimously.
There was no further business, we shared our happy thoughts, and the meeting was
adjourned at 8:32
motion passed unanimously.
There was no further business, we shared our happy thoughts, and the meeting was
adjourned at 8:32