In Attendance:
Lucy Blilk-Hill, Scott Goggin, Jim Strunk, John Hanna, Joe Kraft, Jeff Appel, Kevin Krantz, Bob Maver, Rachel Maver, Amy Kubacki, Mary Beth Whelan, Katie Yeager and Terri Speck.
Club News:
  • Discussion about our visit to the Edna House. It was a great experience for the members who visited and we saw the couches that were purchased using our gift to them in December. 
  • Donations needed for Providence House: special requests for larger diapers and pullups, Dawn dish detergent, smaller-sized laundry detergent for travel and storage, and toilet paper.
New Business:
  • Rotary District Conference in Cleveland this year April 25 & 26
  • Discussion for donations to wildfires in LA and North Carolina. Will revisit the discussion at next week's meeting.
  • Elections coming up for Board Positions - If you are interested in being a Board Member or the President-Elect position, please let Andrew know.
Our speaker was Chris Garr of Youth Challenge, an organization that has existed for 49 years and has over 100 teen volunteers. Also spoke of Jennifer Kasunick, of Bay Village who passed away at College in Michigan over the weekend.  He said she was a Youth Challenge member when going to the Bay Schools and greatly impacted the Staff.