The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on November 6, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid, with 23 participants meeting via Zoom and in person. President Mangels called
the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m., began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test.

Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our guests, Mary Macais from Footpath, Tubtim and Jim Smilie, and our speakers, PDG Julie West, Karen Melton, Wisdom Addo, and their friend, Michelle

Club news:
  • Pat reported on the Rose Sale. We had 19/30 Rotarians participate this year. We sold 289 dozen roses and made a profit of $2275 for the club.
  • Andrew and Jeff dropped off 1900 diapers to Providence House, bringing our total to over 20,000 diapers donated so far. Our next drop will take place in January.
  • Upcoming Service Projects:
    • We will be delivering and installing beds for Good Knights on November 19th. Sign-ups are on Clubrunner.
    • There will be a group installing Christmas lights at St. Augustine’s on Saturday, November 16 th.
    • Andrew has sent an email to sign up for our Adopt a Family project. This year we are buying for a Westlake family with 4 children.
    • The dates have been set for the Epiphany Project for the Redeemer Crisis Center. We will be stuffing the boxes at the St. Paul Church cafeteria on December 26th, 28th, and 29th. Please mark your calendars and plan on participating.
    • Last week we completed the Literacy Project initiative. A group of Rotarians met at Justin’s office and removed labels from over 450 books.
    • The Donation Committee recommended two member-request donations. Joe H. requested $1000 for the NormaLeah Ovarian Cancer Initiative. Pat moved and Joe K seconded that we make the donation. Motion carried. John H. requested that the club provide labels for a group in the high school that sells dog treats for Pawsitive Vibes. Joe K. moved and Jeff seconded the motion that we provide the labels for $30. Motion carried and Kevin already provided the labels.
Our speakers today were PDG Julie West and Karen Melton who gave a presentation on the Peace Jam conference they attended last June in Ghana. Peace Jam, located in Colorado, inspires youths to pursue peaceful co-existence with their neighbors. They held their PeaceJam conference in coordination with the West African Center for Peace Foundation in Ghana. WACFP is a non-governmental organization that serves young people in schools and communities in Ghana through training and education on human rights protection, leadership, peace building, and other issues affecting the development of our world. We also heard from Wisdom Addo, a Rotary Peace Fellow and the Executive Director of WACFP.

To learn more, go to or google Wisdom Addo.

We had time for our happy thoughts and the meeting adjourned at 8:32.