The Rotary Club of Westlake Bay Village held its weekly Wednesday meeting on November 20, 2024. The meeting was a hybrid, with 21 participants meeting via Zoom and in person. President Mangels called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. and began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test.
Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our guests, Yasir, who had learned of us through the Donuts for Polio station at the library, and our speaker, Sonia Ortega and her friend Martza.
Club news:
- Terri reported that she has secured a second host family for Tubtim. Tina and Mark Ingram will be hosting her for the second half of the school year.
- Andrew passed around a sign-up sheet to purchase gifts for our Adopt- a-Family program. Don’t forget to get receipts for reimbursement as well as a gift receipt to include with the gift. We will have a wrapping party December 9th at 6:30 at the library.
- Our Holiday party will be held Thursday January 16th at 5:30 at Arrabiata’s. Details to follow.
- There will be no club tomorrow. We will be meeting at Mulligans at 611 and I-90 that day at noon for lunch and some holiday cheer.
- Pat made a motion and Joe H seconded the motion that we donate $1000 to Big Brother and Big Sister to sponsor their wrapping party which will be held at Macy’s in Crocker Park on December 7th . Motion carried.
- Past President Bob Maver has designated Edna House to be the recipient of the $1300 in happy bucks dollars from his year as president. Andrew then moved and Jim seconded that the club add $700 to make the total donation in the amount of $2000. Motion carried.
Our speaker today was Sonia Ortega, Manager of Community Partnerships for Soles 4 Souls, a national organization that creates sustainable jobs and provides relief through the distribution of shoes and clothing around the world. They have partnered with 43 Rotary clubs so far and have collected over 74,000 pairs of shoes through the Rotary clubs. To learn more about their organization, visit their website at
We had time for our happy thoughts and the meeting adjourned at 8:18.