Meeting opened with a reflection read by Amy followed by the pledge of allegiance and The 4-Way Test. 

Speaker today was Rachel Martin, LISWS, Clinical Outreach Senior Manager, charlie health.  Amy met Rachel at the NAMI walk and engaged her in conversation, discovering she was a Westlake native, and probed her interest in presenting to our club. 

Rachel gave a very compelling talk about the founding of charlie health and her role with the company.  The personalized intensive outpatient program (IOP) by charlie heath is for teens, young adults, and their families. It is 100% virtual and individuals from 42 states are engaged in some type of therapy; individual, family and personalized crisis treatment plans. They specialize in treating high acuity mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, trauma-related disorders, OCD, gender dysphoria, and more.  Insurance coverage is not a barrier to the services provided by Charlie Health.   Rachel handed out material to the attendees and left a few pamphlets behind.  Should anyone have additional questions please feel free to text Rachel at 440-482-2443 or email:

Amy thanked Rachel for coming and for her very interesting talk. We all need to hear more about groups and organizations providing support for those in need of mental healthcare.  Rachel was presented with a water bottle and invited to come back to our Rotary Club and learn more about  Rotary.

Club business included Joe reporting on Art Fest meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 24th at 6:00. Please gather at the front desk of the library.

Gary gave update on the golf outing. Hoping we can still get a few more golfers. Some folks are having trouble mailing checks to Jim’s office as post office not delivering.

Lisa was thanked for her good work in getting the Rotary team organized to walk for NAMI on Saturday. She surpassed her fundraising goal and was grateful for Terri’s running group who joined the Rotary team.

Happy buck collected $15 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:14 AM. Amy was happy to give folks back 16 minutes of their morning!