The September Board meeting of the Westlake-Bay Village Rotary Club was held on September 25, 2024. The meeting was called to order by President Andrew Mangels at 7:30, and began with the invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Four Way Test.
In Attendance: President Andrew Mangels, Terri Speck, Pat Graham, Jim Strunk, Joe
Hudak, Joe Kraft, Amy Kubacki, and Patty Zinn. A quorum was present. Also in
attendance were Steve Pettyjohn, Lisa Hebert, Tim Smith, Gary DiLillo, Scott Goggin,
Lucy Bilik-Hill, Herb Hoppe, Bob Maver, Rachel Maver, Wayne Neiman, and Kevin
- Donations: There were no new requests.
- Service Projects: Jeff prepared a spreadsheet to keep track of our service projects and fundraisers.
- Youth Services:
- Tubtim will be marching in the Homecoming parade on 9-27. Several members plan on attending.
- Terri moved that we increase the exchange student monthly stipend from $110 to $125. Joe K. seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion passed, but was not unanimous.
- Terri moved that the club donate $10 to the Rotary Foundation for each member’s participation in any service project. Motion died for lack of a second.
Club News:
- The Rotary Foundation Gala will be held in Stow on November 7 th .
- There is a volunteer appreciation breakfast on November 12 at 8:30 at the Westlake Community Service Bldg. Andrew will be attending to represent the library. Let him know if anyone would like to attend and represent Rotary.
- The District Grant funds for the Literacy Cooperative project are now available. We are tentatively planning the service project to take place on the 5 th Wednesday in October.
- Don’t forget to complete your Youth Protection training. To date, only 9 of us have completed it. The link to the training can be found in an email from
We had time for our happy thoughts, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:28