The meeting was called to order by President Andrew Mangels at 7:30, and began with the invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Four Way Test.
In Attendance: President Andrew Mangels, Terri Speck, Jim Strunk, Joe Hudak, Joe Kraft, John Hanna , Jeff Appel, Amy Kubacki, 
Steve Pettyjohn, Lisa Hebert, Tim Smith, Scott Goggin, Ray Glinka, Marybeth Whelan, Justin Hein,  Kevin Krantz, Tim Opsitnick, Lucy Bilik-Hill. Also in attendance, our Rotary Host student, Tub-Tim and her host mother, Tina Ingraham (also a Rotarian from the Cleveland Club). Tubtim shared how her experience has gone and some of the activities she is involved in. 
Club News:
  • Donations: Diaper drop and clothing for Providence House are requested for this month.
  • The club received letters of thanks for Rotary donations from Edna House, Farrell Foundation, Westlake Meals-on -Wheels and the Bay Village Community Center.
  • Service Projects: Special thanks to Jeff Appel for coordinating the Epiphany Project. 
  • Anyone interested in serving on the Board or to serve as President Elect after Amy’s term, please let Andrew know by Wednesday.
  • Holiday Party is Thursday, Jan 16th at Arribiattas. Cocktaies at 5:30 PM and Dinner at 6 PM. 
Speaker - Ed Gallagher from the Beck Center for the Arts.