The April Board meeting of the Westlake-Bay Village Rotary Club was held on April 24, 2024. The meeting was called to order by President Bob Maver at 7:30, and began with the invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Four Way Test.
In Attendance: President Bob Maver, Terri Speck, Pat Graham, Jim Strunk, Joe Hudak,
Joe Kraft, Amy Kubacki, and Jeff Appel. A quorum was present. Also in attendance were Herb Hoppe, Steve Pettyjohn, Lisa Hebert, Ed Trela, Marybeth Whelan, Gary DiLillo, Tim Smith, Lucy Bilik-Hill, Ray Glinka, Rachel Maver, and Kevin Krantz.
Secretary’s Report: Joe K. moved, and Amy seconded that the minutes from the March
Board meeting be approved. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: There was no Treasurer’s report.
Committee Reports:
Donations: There were no new requests.
Membership: Nothing new to report
Service Projects: Since May has 5 Wednesdays, we will be collecting diapers for
Providence House and clothing for the Crisis Redeemer Center.
Speakers: We are currently booked through June.
Youth Services: Terri reported that Korrawyn, our inbound student from Thailand,
has been approved by the Bay Superintendent. We are waiting on official approval from the School Board. Terri and Joe K. will be interviewing the first host family on May 1 st .
Flavia just returned from a weekend trip to Niagara Falls with her host family. She reported that she had a great time. Flavia may need to delay her return trip home for 15 days as she is waiting for transcripts from the State of Ohio. We will be hosting a going away party for her on May 22 nd . Details to follow.
Our outbound student, Luke Smiley, will be receiving his blazer this weekend at the District Conference. Since none of our members will be attending, Terri has asked to District committee to present it on our behalf.
Art Festival: Joe reported that we are nearing 50 artists, well on our way to our goal of 70 artists. We continue to solicit corporate sponsorship and ask all members to contact any potential sponsors.
Social Media: Lisa reported that our club has an ad in the Westlake Magazine, both in
print and the online version
Golf Committee: Gary reported that the price for our outing this year will be $135.
This is still a great deal considering all that is included. It is time to start lining up
your foursomes. We also need hole sponsors. The price will remain at $125.
Old Business: There was no old business to discuss.
New Business:
Our Installation Dinner will be held at Arribiata’s on June 11 th beginning at 5:30.
Please save the date. Spouses or guests are invited to attend.
Joe K. is currently reviewing applications for the Westlake Schools scholarship. Jim reported that he has already submitted our choice for the Bay winner.
There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:22