Rotary Meeting May 15, 2024
President Maver called the Rotary Board meeting to order at 7:37 a.m. after a delicious breakfast was provided by Andrew, Amy, and Lisa (Thank you). Board members attending met an attendance quorum to proceed. We had a brief invocation followed by the pledge of allegiance and our 4-way test. 14 Rotarians were present, either in person or remotely. We had a special guest Katie Yeager, who is considering joining our club from another club on the West Side. Also joining us was Ty Cliffel, from the Adoption Network of Cleveland, who was our speaker today.
There was discussion about applying for the AZ Baker Service Awards, as Terri had completed a lot of the form for submission, which is due in early June.
There was a Board motion for immediate vote, which happened on-line. It was motioned by Terri Speck and seconded by Amy Kubacki. The motion was as follows:
Westlake-Bay Village Rotary Club will have a service project supporting the Literacy Cooperative with a $3000 donation, $1500 from club and $1500 from matching grant. The Rotarian service will be to remove plastic wrap and address stickers from undeliverable books. This project will be executed during the 2024-2025 Rotary year. Motion passed without objection.
Amy presented on Big Day of Play for Big Brothers and Sisters on June 8, from 11-3 in the Upper Pavilion at Edgewater Park. This is a fun event to support Big Brothers and Sisters. You can register at Any questions, you can reach out to Amy said that there are over 200 kids who need a Big Brother or Sister to be paired up with
Lisa mentioned the District contest for clubs with the biggest net gain in May. There is a small monetary award available for the club with the biggest net gain.
Rotary Districts are sponsoring an End Polio Now Game at Progressive Field on Friday, August 2nd. That is a free t-shirt night, fireworks, Dollar Dogs, and $2 Pregame in the District. Contact Stew Buchanan ( or Al Tien ( for more information. Seating is limited and you should register by July 16th at
Our speaker was Ty Cliffel from the Adoption Network Cleveland. She spoke of their services for individuals, children, and families connected to adoption and foster care, including supports for these groups who are involved in adoption and foster care. They have a helpline which can be reached at (216) 325-1000, or Their programs include Mental Health and Peer Support groups, Basic Emergency Needs from the Family Resilience Fund, and Social activities and Enrichment. They also provide Search and DNA Assistance Programs.
There were no fines levied by the Sargent-at-Arms
We had time to share a Happy Buck
Next week’s meeting is a Board Meeting, with the Fifth of Wednesday coming up on May 29th. Don’t forget your diaper and clothing donations for Providence House and the Redeemer Crisis Center.
Meeting adjourned at 8:31 am